Koren Specific Technique

In this office, we offer a unique, breakthrough approach to patient care called Koren Specific Technique (KST). With KST you receive gentle, specific corrections to your spine, structural system and your mind-body. Many corrections are done with your standing, sitting, moving, or lying down.

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Releasing Your Hidden Stress

KST practitioners are specially trained to locate and address hid stresses that cause disease or overall physical and mental/emotional malfunction often associated with pain, weakness, loss of energy and disease of all types. This stress or dis-ease is called by many names: subluxation, blockage, interference, imbalance, dysfunction, stagnation, fixation and others.

Dis-ease may be caused by physical, chemical (toxicity) or emotional stress or trauma. Our purpose in this office is to release this stress from your body/mind complex so that you may be physically and mentally healthier.

KST is very gentle and yet very powerful. Patients usually notice dramatic changes from the first visit. Your body usually holds it corrections for a much longer time with KST, so you may go for longer periods between appointments.

KST permits us to quickly, easily and gently check and address your subluxations/interferences/blockages wherever they may arise. This includes your cranial bones, TMJ, entire spinal (vertebral) column, sacrum, coccyx, discs, hips, sternum, ribs, femur heads (upper thigh bones), shoulders, knees, feet, hands, muscles, fascia, physiology (body function) and anything else that needs correcting.

The real power of KST is that people often experience retracing as deep, unhealthy stresses leave their bodies. This is an essential aspect of the journey toward health and wellness for It involves expressing and releasing unhealthy or unneeded physical and emotional stresses.

You have many layers. At each session, we correct what your body is revealing at that time. Older injuries, older distortions, older stresses and older symptoms (both physical and emotional) may surface at later sessions. This release of old injuries is part of the healing process.

The procedure consists of three steps (the 3 Cs):

  1. Challenge
  2. Check
  3. Correct

The first step, “challenge,” involves analyzing you for stresses causing your dis-ease.

The second step, “check,” reveals where an interference or stress is located.

The check is a form of body stress analysis using biofeedback. KST practitioners often used the occipital drop (OD), a neurological biofeedback device or mechanism wherein one side of the back of the skull (the occipital bone) appears to “drop” in relation to the other side.

The OD can tell the practitioner where there is hidden stress interfering with health.

The third strep “correct,” releases the stress.

Using the hands or (more commonly) an instrument that introduces a gentle vibration, the stress can be easily released. Children especially like to be corrected this way – many feel it tickles. Infants often smile during the procedure; they like the soothing vibration.

A major advantage of KST is that it permits you to be analyzed and corrected in different postures: standing, sitting, lying down, while moving, and/ or in the position of the injury or dysfunction/stress.

This is very important because sometimes a subluxation can only be observed hen you are in a certain posture, For example, if a person were in a car accident, their stresses may only be revealed and completely corrected while they are seated.

One of the unique features of the KST is the ability to analyze or check the body for disc and other chronic conditions. Patients who have suffered for many years have found “miraculous” improvements with KST.

Everyone is different but certain general responses have been noticed. Many people report a feeling of ease, relaxation and well-being as their physical and/or emotional stress release. Often people report a “lighter feeling,” or the ability to breathe more deeply. Eyesight may be improved, with increased clarity and greater peripheral vision. This is a sign of increased blood flow to the brain. Some people may feel if they’ve had a good workout, often in places they were not even aware of before. This is usually temporary.

Please observe your dreams and physical changes over the next few days and let us know how you are responding.

We all want complete healing, and you and I will work together toward that goal, If you’ve had a health problem for many years, it may take more time for your body to heal.

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Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Office Hours

Tuesday Office Hours

Closed on Thursday and Weekends

Located conveniently in Saline, MI servicing the surrounding communities.

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